Managing Generational Differences, Part 3

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In this blog series, I’m discussing how each generation prefers to interact at work, which will help you create a cohesive team. Let’s look at Generation Y today.

Gen Y was born with a mouse in their hand. They love what technology can do for them and how it connects them to the world, to their friends and to their family. They love the freedom and creativity it gives them, allowing them to create new ideas at the blink of an eye. That freedom allows them to balance their work and life in ways that no other generation has done.

So it comes as no surprise that many Gen Y prefer to interact virtually. To them, an IM chat or a text is the same as a face-to-face meeting. So if you’re a Baby Boomer or from Generation X, give them the freedom and flexibility they crave, as long as the job gets done. And it may be time to actually thank them. Even a decade ago, it was unheard of to leave the office early, especially if family matters came up. Now, thanks to Gen Y, flex time, remote working, and community service are a normal ways of the working life!

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