Organizational Change Interview: Anne Loehr and Bill Kearney on The Future of Work

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Being interviewed by Bill Kearney on WKXL in New Hampshire is always lively and thought provoking. He has interviewed me many times over the past few years; he never fails to ask pointed questions that create a stimulating conversation.

I’ve embedded our last interview here, where we discussed many organizational topics including workplace demographics, generations, social media, immigration and workforce planning tools. Here are the key points, in case you don’t have time to listen to the entire 19-minute interview:

Minute 2:27: The three workforce trends that will impact our future economy, including generations, women and diversity.

Minute 4:28: What organizations are doing to adapt to the three workforce trends.

Minute 5:53: Why women are voting with their feet and leaving corporate America and what organizations can do about this trend.

Minute 8:35: What will happen to our economy when Baby Boomers retire and how organizations can prepare for this trend.

Minute 9:58: How social media bridges and divides generations within organizations and how Gen Y uses social media as their bullhorn to affect change.

Minute 13: How executive coaches can help organizations determine the root cause of organization challenges.

Minute 14:56: How immigration reform may change the workforce and how leaders can prepare for increased diversity in the workforce.

Minute 16:50: How workforce-planning tools can help organizations prepare for the three workforce trends.

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